Winter Hair Care Tips

As the weather is changing, hair will change too! When changing from any weather your hair will lack moisture with the cold drying it out more than the summer sun as it’s got no protection and will be prone to breakage. Moisturising products, such as our Moisturizing Fluid, or OI Oil, will help nourish the hair and keep that moisture locked in.

Oi - Oil

Getting regular trims is key to keep it healthy and look good too. This also takes away the risk of damaged or split ends, by cutting them off!

Changing the temperature of your shower when washing the hair can make a big difference too. If the water is to hot it will strip the moisture out of the hair causing it to become more brittle and vulnerable. When washing the hair try to use lukewarm water and finish off with a cold rinse.

Try to allow the hair to air dry as much as you can just finishing it off on a cool to warm heat (not hot!). Hair is in a weaker state when it’s wet, and putting too much stress on the hair in this state will cause more damage! This mean don’t go outside with wet hair. The cool winter air will cause extreme damage to the hair the same way that putting too much heat on will.

It will also tangle a lot more as it will be colder and windier therefore you need to do more conditioning treatments and protect the hair more and keep it more hydrated. On top of conditioning treatments you may also want to do a deep hair mask, check out our Circle Chronicles Treatments.

Try to avoid washing the hair to much to as it has its own protection to it and washing the hair strips that protective layer off, therefore it will allow more of the moisture from underneath to escape.

If you have any concerns over your hair as the weather gets colder, please give us a call or drop us an email and let us answer your queries!